Friday, September 12, 2008

Uncle Clarence "Tom" Thomas

Here we go again. Why can't this guy just sit on the bench and wait for everyone else to tell him what to say. I truly believe that Judge Thomas needs a good therapist. He has not been able to deal with his Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. I guess he is not happy with what he sees when he looks in the mirror. This is not about conservatism or liberalism. This is more about self hatred. I love it when those that get theirs believe that they got it "all" by working hard. In a perfect world merit means something, but this is America, so wake up.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here we go again

It should be no surprise that Detroit's Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick would eventually step down because of the ongoing scandal. When does the African-American community get tired of these politicians letting them is rhetorical. It seems that sex and money are the two items that bring down administrations. Unfortunately, many African-Amercian politicians cannot rebound as well as their counterparts. Well, that is just too bad. Are African-Amercian politicans held to a higher standard...yes. However, they know that going in. If they could not control the power that was given to them by their constituents then they should not have sought office. In addition, given the circumstances surrounding the allegations against him, was she really worth it? As for Mayor Kilpatrick, I guess the luck of the Irish does not apply.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Democrat , Republican or just plain ignorance.

The debate about who is a Democrat or Republican is getting very tired. It is even more tiring when people of color are debating. The real issues regarding this presidential race centers around class. The burgeoning middle class will be hit hard regarding the expenditures on the war and the gas crisis. To hear African-Americans espouse their allegiance to the Republican party reminds me of passages in Uncle Tom's Cabin. I will let you read the book, but if you want to see what true ignorance looks like, click on the link. It is a shame.